Hi, I’m Sarah Ann

I was named after both of my grandmothers, so I have a double name. My pronouns are she/her. Storytelling is the thread that ties my work together. From book arts, to design research, to photography, I practice an interdisciplinary approach. After a career documenting others’ stories for newspapers, I have recently turned to telling my own family’s tales. ✨



Master’s Thesis Presentation: Moolah 🔗

Moolah, my master's thesis project, was a concept of an educational platform that supports parents in learning about financial topics and raising money-confident kids.

Select graduate coursework included: Research Methodologies, Strategic Innovation in Product & Service Design, Ethics of Emerging Technologies, Digital Accessibility, AR/VR Prototyping

Senior Capstone Exhibition: First Comes Trust 🔗

New Roots, my capstone project, followed a Congolese refugee family through their first year of resettlement in Rochester, NY. Their story was told through an interactive website that I created to combine documentary photography, written reporting, audio, and data visualizations.